
Mexico City

Phone: (+52) 5518205234
Website: https://www.zikuri.co

Social media: Instagram: @zikurialquimia @zikuri // Facebook: @zikuri // YouTube: Zikuri Colors Airbnb experiences in Mexico City : Alchemical colors

Contact person: Rocío Mena

ZIKURI focus is on natural dye education & the creation of accessories made ethically with artisanal textiles.

We use different textile techniques such as shibori, embroidery & weaving. Indigo, cochineal, pericón are some of the natural dyes we work with. Cotton, leather & vegan leather are used for our products.

A mixture of materials that come from the earth, and help us understand the process that goes all the way from the plant to the color on the cloth. Ancestral wisdom and alchemy secrets combine to tell stories through natural dyes and ethically made accessories. Our impetus is to INSPIRE & achieve our purpose of becoming DREAM KEEPERS.

We are based in Mexico City.

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