Community Leadership Award

Honoring Greatness Among Us

WARP’s Community Leadership Award honors WARP members who have demonstrated a deep commitment to WARP’s mission of improving the life of textile artisans in communities worldwide. This award is for individuals who have been influential in the WARP community, and also influential in doing good in the world beyond WARP. We established this award in 2022 to honor longtime WARP member Jackie Abrams, who passed away in 2021 after a lifetime of work as a basketry artist, teacher, community consultant, and a dedicated WARP member.

Jackie Abrams, Awarded in 2022

Jackie Abrams

Jackie Abrams was a beloved member of the WARP community for nearly 20 years. Jackie was active in her local Vermont community, as well as nationally and internationally. Through her thoughtful work as a basketry artist and her advocacy work in basketry communities around the world, Jackie was a primary example of how being an artist and being a community activist are inherently tied together. Her work deeply influenced the WARP community, and even more so, her work in communities impacted the world.

Linda Glassner Temple, Awarded in 2024

Linda Glassner Temple

Co-founder of WARP, Linda Glassner Temple served as our newsletter editor for 25 years. The WARP newsletter is one of our most valuable resources, a treasure trove for sharing our work with hundreds of people every year. Linda has been the face behind the face of WARP, promoting our message through stories from all over the world. In addition to a quarter-century of service to WARP as newsletter editor, Linda has demonstrated WARP’s core values through a lifetime of socially-oriented service.

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