Previous Annual Meetings

This smiling bunch rode in Van 3 during the Saturday Tours around Oaxaca, MX during our 2017 Annual Meeting. Photo by Diane Manning.

Every year, WARP members gather to connect, find commonalities, and to share stories and knowledge.  We do our best networking at the Annual Meeting. It’s where we get new perspectives and new ideas about how to further our work.  We select the next year’s board members, teach new leaders through our student scholarship program, hear about exciting projects, and gain new skills.  WARP’s yearly meeting is a time for learning, sharing, and important dialogue.

Mark your calendars! We are excited to announce that we have dates set for WARP’s 2025 Annual Meeting. We will be meeting June 4-8, 2025 at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The nearest airport is in Birmingham, and we will provide an airport shuttle bus on arrival & departure days. Our planning committee is working on a great program, including speakers and field trips to local places of interest. Please view the program details here.

See all the places we’ve met so far, read about what we did, and for the most recent meetings, watch video recordings of the presentations and activities.

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