Fiber Artist Supply Company 8 Shaft Alice Table Loom – USA


Donated by Fiber Artist Supply Company

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This pretty little loom was generously donated by the Fiber Artist supply Company. Alice is a capable travel companion & is their only 10″ loom. The 8 shaft model is only 13.5 lbs.  She has graded length shaft control keys so fingers can easily identify which keys to lift or return. Warp control pawls and ratchets are outside where the weaver can easily reach them. Changing sheds is an extraordinarily smooth action because cords run over 16 maple wood pulleys, never dragged over rods or around eyelets. Alice allows for secure beater stowage, and her breast/back beams are 1-1/4″ hard maple dowels with embedded cross dowel connectors. Cross dowels can be tightened without fear of them pulling out, and allow users to remove the breast/back beam and replace it with the included 4mm wrench. Unique to Modern, Quick Fold requires the user to fully remove two thumb screws and loosen the other two. Looms with Quick Fold can be folded with tension on a warp in place. This is a sweet loom and sells for $799!

About Fiber Artist Supply Company:

Fiber Artist Supply Company is a weaving shop with a physical store in Cleveland, Ohio, and a wonderful online shop ( The owners, Tim & Cynthia Hale, are WARP members and demonstrated at our 2023 conference at Kent State University.