Volunteer with WARP

How does WARP weave peace, partnerships, and people together?  Not only with the staff’s strong leadership, but also thanks to its many talented, highly skilled VOLUNTEERS!  With the commitment of volunteers serving on our 9 committees, we are able to offer dynamic programs, funding support, and friendship.  Consider serving on a committee, or helping at the annual meeting.  Your creativity and ideas will make a huge impact.

For more information, contact the Volunteer Team Coordinator, Debbie Durham.  Debbie will be happy to answer your questions and provide timelines for the recruitment process.  Thank you! 

1. Continuing Textile Traditions Monthly Panel Presentations

This committee’s primary objective is to plan a dynamic schedule of monthly Zoom discussions relating to WARP’s mission and member interests. Recent topics have included basket weavers in the North American Southwest, Fibershed and textile recycling, Local Cloth’s Blue Ridge Blanket Project in NC, and bark cloth of Uganda.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬Members of this committee coordinate with presenters to set up Zoom rehearsals and presentations, promoting these events on the website and social media outlets.

Committee needs: Strong communication skills, with an ability to be clear, firm and friendly when connecting with presenters.  An “idea” person with good ideas on topics of interest to WARP members. This is the right committee for you if you enjoy meeting exceptional people and can support them in creating a powerful presentation!

2. Fireside Chats Committee

Every month, this committee delivers an online Zoom presentation that highlights WARP members. Textile artists, travel guides, basket weavers, handweavers, spinners, authors, and community organizers, among others, are highlighted. Women’s empowerment and social justice issues are supported. 

Are you a “people person”?  Do you have an interest in learning about WARP members?   Do you usually attend WARP Annual Meetings? Do you think “outside the box”?  These attributes describe members of Fireside Chats Committee!

3. Fundraising Committee

Annually, this committee organizes a Matching Fundraiser to support grants, an online raffle, an online auction with 200-300 donated items, and an end-of-year Giving Tuesday donation drive.  

This committee is looking for volunteers who are skilled at doing creative brainstorming with the goal of generating new ideas for raising funds. Preparation for the annual auction involves the selection, write up, and photo shoots for the items donated – key to the success of this committee! If you have a background in fundraising for non-profits, please consider this committee. We could definitely use your expertise!

4. Grants Committee

This committee administers WARP’s annual financial grant program, established to improve the lives of textile artisans worldwide. Members are responsible for soliciting, evaluating, and selecting individuals and groups to receive one of the grants. The Grant Committee meets all year with the heaviest time commitment February-June during the application review process.

Committee needs:  members who are strategic and analytical thinkers, whose skills include project management, good writing and editing. Experience using Google Drive is critical to complete archival documentation.  Do you have grant or fundraising experience?   Have you lived in remote regions of the world?  If so, this team would like to meet you!

5. Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee is made up of 6 members who develop and implement strategies to enhance WARP’s visibility, promote WARP programming, and attract new members.  WARP’s Newsletter and Blog are published as part of this committee.

Committee needs:  Team members who are creative and savvy about social media.  Individuals with strong writing skills; experience with WordPress or graphic design is appreciated.  Do these skills describe you, in a professional or entrepreneurial role?  This marketing team would benefit from having you on board!

6. Membership Committee

WARP is its community of members.  Communicating with current members to help with networking inquiries, to define recruitment strategies with new members, and maintain a current membership database are its primary objectives. As part of WARP’s mission, broadening the membership base to include a wide range of ages and cultural disciplines is key for this team.

A strong familiarity with WARP, creativity, an interest in getting to know members, and an “idea person” are characteristics of this team.  Does that define you?

7. Nominating Committee

This committee is appointed by the Governing Board three months before the Annual Meeting to investigate the qualifications and availability of persons who might serve as Governing Board members, reporting its recommendations at the Annual Meeting.  It serves as a “Talent Scout” in recruiting members to serve on the WARP Board of Directors. Who are the shining stars among our membership?   

This team is actively engaged in nominating members and responding to the needs of Board engagement.  Good communication skills are necessary. Consider this committee if you prefer to volunteer for a short term – 3-4 months – period of time.

8. Scholarship Committee

The primary goal of this 5-6 member committee is to review applications for the Alice Brown Memorial Scholarship and to select recipients as part of the annual meeting. Currently 4-5 scholarships are awarded each year. 

This committee finds it helpful to have members who have university experience or affiliations. Familiarity with WARP’s mission and vision is important. Especially critical is the ability to score and rank each applicant’s scholarship application according to specific evaluation criteria. If you have experience in these areas, let the Volunteer Team Coordinator know!

9. Annual Meeting Committee

The WARP Annual Meeting is usually held in the spring or summer. As of 2021, members can attend either live or virtually.  Live meetings take place within and outside of the United States to accommodate ease of location and varying local resources of interest. Typically, events include a Welcoming Circle, invited speakers and programs, field trips, a marketplace, and a business meeting.

Individuals serving on this committee are responsible for arranging all the logistics, managing program development, publicity, and marketplace events (to name a few tasks!) for a successful gathering. Volunteers with event planning experience, budgeting skills, and confidence in seeking speakers are needed.  While committee members are heavily involved in the planning, many other volunteers are needed on site to help during the 3-days of the annual meeting.

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