2070 N Broadway #4458 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 USA
Phone: 3034423212 Email: Email:
Website: https://schachtspindle.com/
Social media: @SchachtSpindleCompany(FB), @schacht_spindle_company (IG) , SchachtSpindleCo (Youtube), pinterest-schachtspindle (Pinterest) , ravelry- people/schacht , @schachtspindle (TikTok)
Contact person: Mickele Bragg
We are known for our quality, and this is uppermost in our minds every step of the way. From designing products that work for their intended purpose, to creating manufacturing methods that are as efficient as possible, to ensuring that parts are finished to the highest standards, our mantra is “constant improvement.” We stress that everything matters, whether it is drilling a hole, packing a loom, or entering an order. We know that our attention to detail matters to the weaver or spinner who depends on us to do the best job possible.