September 2023
The Women’s Woven Voices project is an international, collaborative art project that supports women in claiming their empowered voices through writing, weaving, and sharing their stories. For this program, Brecia Kralovic-Logan, the creator of the the Women’s Woven Voices project, shared the mission, goals, history, and evolution of the project. She discussed the tapestry which currently has over 1,000 woven story cloths from participants from 10 different countries representing university students, Veteran women, refugee moms, art groups, schools, girl scouts, community members, church members, grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, friends , neighbors, and men who are allies. The tapestry has been exhibited widely over the last 5 years, most recently in Chicago, Illinois, at the Parliament of World Religions. Viewers also learned how to participate and the future goals for the project.
Brecia Kralovic-Logan is a creativity cultivator, champion for women’s voices, and nationally recognized fiber artist. She is the founder of the International Women’s Festival Pacific Northwest, and a regional ambassador for the Global Art Project for Peace. Kralovic-Logan is the author of “The Spiral of Creativity- Mastering the Art of a Spirited Life.” She teaches and speaks at international art conferences. Her artwork has been exhibited nationally and is in the collections of museums and private collectors. Currently, she promotes creativity, community and compassion through the Women’s Woven Voices project- an international collaborative fiber art project that promotes women’s empowerment through writing, weaving, and sharing their stories. Learn more at, , and