Above the Fray: Traditional Hilltribe Art

Above the Fray: Traditional Hilltribe Art
2141 Crest Dr.
Eugene, OR 97405

Phone: (541) 485-9386
Website: www.hilltribeart.com

Facebook: Above the Fray: Traditional Hill tribe Art

Contact person: Maren Beck or Josh Hirschstein

Above the Fray (spouses Maren Beck and Joshua Hirschstein) ventures to hill tribe Laos and Vietnam to study and select naturally-dyed, hand-woven silk, hemp, and cotton textiles directly from the independent artisans.  Over their years of exploring the region, they have developed warm personal relationships with seri-culturists, natural dyers, weavers and embroiderers who live in these mountainous areas. Above the Fray passionately supports the artisans and their traditional skills and diverse cultures, and offers quality textiles for retail and wholesale.

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